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Monday, October 29, 2012

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship

Source: via Etta on Pinterest

Have you ever forgotten what it's all about?

Been so stressed out learning vocab for a spanish test that you forgot how beautiful the language is?

Been so concerned about eating healthy that food becomes a burden?

Been so aprehensive about doing the right thing that you don't do anything at all?

Been so filled with trepidation about your future that you stay stuck in the past?

I've been there y'all.

This past week was rough for me. It started out wonderfully, but I strayed from the meaning and without the meaning, life got hard. I didn't read the Word, I didn't go to Daily Mass, my prayers were spur of the moment and rushed. There were times I was so concerned with talking about Him, that I forgot about Him. And without the Lord guiding me through the week, I became so very very lost. Life is hard without His guidence.

Thank the Lord for new chances. Thank the Lord for Monday's. Thank the Lord for forgiveness, and mercy, and grace.

Here's my prayer for the week...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on me, even when I fail to recognize them. Thank you for the path, even when I stray. Thank you for the morning, for the chance to love you more. Father, please guide me this week. Keep my eyes, mind, heart, and soul fixed upon You alone. Show me the path that I should walk, for to you I entrust my life. I'm running to Your arms Father. Please catch me and hold me and walk with me this week. It's all about You. Help me remember that it is all about You.

In Jesus's Name,

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