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Monday, August 26, 2013

It's Great to Be Back in the Wack

For some reason I really dreaded going back to school. Not so much the classes, but being back in Waco. I'd spent the summer in Houston and Los Angeles, two of the biggest cities in the United States, so returning to a small town seemed like taking a step backwards almost. I finally moved in on Saturday and have spent the weekend unpacking and seeing friends.

Y'all, I am so glad to be back here.

These past 48 hours have been a constant reaffirmation that I am exactly where I need to be. How wonderful and fruitful this weekend was and how marvelous and beautiful today has been! My first day of sophomore year started early, yet it didn't feel too long. In fact, the day is almost up and I am sad to see it go.

I started my "new" life today as a Great Texts Major. My class schedule is a whole heckuva lot different (oh how I will miss 6 hours a week devoted to Scenic Crew......or maybe not) and I have so much more time on my hands.

I'm filling that time with jobs, friends, St. Peter's, & Tri Delta. It's shaping up to be a wonderful semester, and I cannot wait to experience every moment of it.

First day outfit :) it's my favorite color combo AND it has bears on it! #baylorswag 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sick Day

Sorry y'all I don't have much to report...

I spent the day in bed, blowing my nose, and trying to breathe through all the congestion.

Being sick is fun.

I can only allow one day for illness because the rest of the week is BUSY. Goodness gracious I get back into town and have one million things to do. It's gonna be a heck of a few weeks before I go back to school! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Day My Life Changed Forever

Three years ago today I got into a car accident that could have ended my life. 

Three years ago today I decided to change the way I'd been living. 

Three years ago today I started to live for The Lord. 

Since then I've fallen so head over heels in love with my God. He's shown me that His plans are better than mine, that His ways are better that mine, and that His love is better than anything that this world can offer. 

I'm so glad that I got that second chance. It's been an amazing adventure and I look forward to many many more years living life to the absolute fullest. 


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

1 lost suitcase.

2 to-go meals.

1 heckuva plane nap.

14 hours of travel from start to finish. 

This month has been absolutely incredible. The people were outstanding. The opportunities vast. The scenery gorgeous. The mission imperative. & I loved every single moment of it. 

I don't know how the month went by so quickly! But now I'm back, laying in my own bed, reminiscing about every fun moment shared in California. It was one amazing adventure and I am so thankful that I got to experience it.