Guys... I fought against the devil today. And it ROCKED.
Here's the story:
I was having lunch with a dear friend Maddie and we decided to go and make some new friends! We walked around and asked people if they had 5 minutes to chat. They said yes and we began to have a conversations. After the first one turned to God, and was super fantastically amazing, the others started to as well!
It was spectacular.
Yet something else happened after the first convo... things started to get difficult.
First, when barely beginning to talk to one girl, it started to rain where we were. The thing was... it was sunny! But we went into the SUB, and had an awesome chat.
With the next girl, we were standing on a street that isn't accessible to cars, when a street sweeper came! They are only supposed to be there at night.
It continued with the next girl! As soon as the subject turned toward the Lord, we were distracted by gnats that wouldn't leave us alone, as well as 2 edge cutters going full speed randomly. We kept going each time and saw the fruits of our labor.
Maddie and I made 5 new friends and perhaps made them think.
You know what's fun? Beating the devil. Because he cannot win. One myth commonly believed is that God and the devil are equals... but that is not true. The Lord made the devil. He isn't even a fraction of the Great that God is.
Fight Satan off... you'll win.
"Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray. And do thou, oh prince of the heavenly host, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls."
-Prayer to St. Michael
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