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Friday, December 27, 2013

For those (including me) that need a little bit of hope tonight

When I don't work up to my full potential and my grades aren't what they should be....
...Jesus still loves me and helps me try harder. 

When I put other things before Him...
...Jesus still gives me his undivided attention. 

When I am impatient...
...Jesus waits patiently. 

When I am judgmental...
...Jesus reminds me that He alone is Judge. 

When I care too much about my appearance...
...Jesus looks inside at my heart.

When I can't...
...Jesus can. 


No matter what, I fall back on Jesus. Does this mean that I give up and submit to my undisciplined self? No. It means I get up and try again knowing that if (when) I fall again I have a Lord who is gracious enough to over compensate for my shortcomings. And that sure gives me a whole lot of hope.

(via pinterest)

Monday, August 26, 2013

It's Great to Be Back in the Wack

For some reason I really dreaded going back to school. Not so much the classes, but being back in Waco. I'd spent the summer in Houston and Los Angeles, two of the biggest cities in the United States, so returning to a small town seemed like taking a step backwards almost. I finally moved in on Saturday and have spent the weekend unpacking and seeing friends.

Y'all, I am so glad to be back here.

These past 48 hours have been a constant reaffirmation that I am exactly where I need to be. How wonderful and fruitful this weekend was and how marvelous and beautiful today has been! My first day of sophomore year started early, yet it didn't feel too long. In fact, the day is almost up and I am sad to see it go.

I started my "new" life today as a Great Texts Major. My class schedule is a whole heckuva lot different (oh how I will miss 6 hours a week devoted to Scenic Crew......or maybe not) and I have so much more time on my hands.

I'm filling that time with jobs, friends, St. Peter's, & Tri Delta. It's shaping up to be a wonderful semester, and I cannot wait to experience every moment of it.

First day outfit :) it's my favorite color combo AND it has bears on it! #baylorswag 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sick Day

Sorry y'all I don't have much to report...

I spent the day in bed, blowing my nose, and trying to breathe through all the congestion.

Being sick is fun.

I can only allow one day for illness because the rest of the week is BUSY. Goodness gracious I get back into town and have one million things to do. It's gonna be a heck of a few weeks before I go back to school! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Day My Life Changed Forever

Three years ago today I got into a car accident that could have ended my life. 

Three years ago today I decided to change the way I'd been living. 

Three years ago today I started to live for The Lord. 

Since then I've fallen so head over heels in love with my God. He's shown me that His plans are better than mine, that His ways are better that mine, and that His love is better than anything that this world can offer. 

I'm so glad that I got that second chance. It's been an amazing adventure and I look forward to many many more years living life to the absolute fullest. 


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

1 lost suitcase.

2 to-go meals.

1 heckuva plane nap.

14 hours of travel from start to finish. 

This month has been absolutely incredible. The people were outstanding. The opportunities vast. The scenery gorgeous. The mission imperative. & I loved every single moment of it. 

I don't know how the month went by so quickly! But now I'm back, laying in my own bed, reminiscing about every fun moment shared in California. It was one amazing adventure and I am so thankful that I got to experience it. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Joy of Trying Something New

I don't really remember blushing as I was growing up. I guess with all the time on stage I just was used to making a fool out of myself and I was okay with that. The adrenaline was addicting, and hearing people laugh (whether with me or at me) was fun! I don't know what happened, but my blush-less existence ended in April. 

I was beginning a retreat at my church one Friday afternoon, and we were going around a huge circle of 30-40 people saying who we were and why we were there. Most people seemed pretty uncomfortable, so I decided to throw a joke into my answer. When my turn came I slapped a huge smile on my face, stepped forward, and exclaimed "Hi my name is Rachel and I am here because I need some energy and I want this retreat to be a Red Bull for my soul!" (Yes. It's cheesy. That's beside the point. Focus people.) Everyone laughed, and something weird happened. My face got hotter than the surface of the sun, and I immediately couldn't look anyone in the eye. The moment seemed to go on forever, and I have never been more grateful to step back in line. What was that??? 

I figured it was just a fluke, but the rest of the weekend was a hot faced mess. I could barely answer a question without blushing. What was wrong with me??? I had said a prayer for humility a few weeks ago, but this seemed like a very strange way to get it!

That was 3 months ago and I think my body is trying to make up for a lifetime of un-Tomato-ness. There are evenings where I am pretty sure I look like I am permanently sunburnt. 

While I haven't warmed up (pun intended) to my new blushing habit, I have accepted it a little bit more. I can't control it, so why worry?? 

Last night was a perfect example of accepting my new rosy demeanor. I was invited to go salsa dancing with a friend of mine at a bar nearby. Have I been salsa dancing before?? Nope. Was I going to be bad? Most definitely. Did I say yes? You bet your Texas summer heat I did. 

We got to the club and I felt a little bit like the inner voice of Lizzie as she shrieked "RUUUUUUUUUN" in the Lizzie McGuire Movie. 

{if you caught that reference- gold star! If you didn't- here's what I mean}

{While you should watch the whole video, the part I'm talking about is at 2:45} 

But I didn't drive myself, hence I was stuck. I watched from the side of the dance floor, trying desperately to memorize the moves and praying no guy asked me to dance. 

1 song in, I was approached by a nice looking guy and asked to dance. 

"I'm really bad," I warned him. "I've never salsa'd before."

He said that was alright and that he would teach me.

I wish I could say that I am a natural talent... I'm not. Oh well. But instead of fleeing the scene and hiding in the bathroom, I gritted my teeth and tried to look at least a little bit normal. Luckily, my dance partners were very kind and gracious to the fact that I was a newcomer to their world. Also luckily, the dance floor was dark, and no one could see the heat that stubbornly refused to go away. 

It took 3 or 4 songs, but lo and behold, I began to enjoy myself! There were nice guys and good music.  Each dancer taught me something new, and I loved all of the variety in this style of dancing! I was so glad that I forced myself to try again.

The evening was a lesson in humility. Every time I missed a step, I laughed at myself and moved on. Allowing the embarrassment to stay but not letting it affect my time really changed the nature of the evening. I was having a blast, and chose not to notice the other things. 

Wouldn't it be great if we could do that with all things? We could speak up without worrying what others think? Act a certain way and like certain things without getting anxiety over the acceptance of others around us? Try new things and not freak out about looking like a dork? 

It's a challenge to be sure, but I gather it would be worth it. 

Is there something you have always wanted to try but haven't yet? What's holding you back?? 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Finding Your Passion

So I've shared that I am no longer a theatre major. (You can check that out here if you're catching up) While it is exhilarating being apart from that lifestyle for the first time in my life, it's also scary as heck. 

I've been following one path for 15 years. Fifteen years. Now that I have stepped off, I have an infinite number to choose from. But the problem is that there are an infinite number to choose from. Before I got all bent out of shape, I recalled Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares The Lord, "Plans for your welfare and not for woe, plans to give you hope and a future." 

Oh yea. Forgot about that. I don't have to choose which way to go based on myself alone. I get to discern that road with God, who created the whole pathway system, standing right beside me. What a relief! 

Better than that, the Lord gave us clues pointing to the mission He prepared for us. These clues are the tools we will need to achieve our mission. Our talents. What are those things that you are really good at?? What would you like to spend the most time doing?? God gave you gifts for a reason and it is our duty to use them well. 

I've been discovering some of my own more fully this summer. Being out in California for a month as a writing intern has really challenged me to hone my skills, and I have been able to see the types of writing that I am good at, as well as some that challenge me. I love writing editorially (and people wonder why I have a blog) as well as writing movie reviews. I'm not very good at news pieces though. I've also learned how to interview people, and how to successfully communicate myself to fellow employees. 

It ain't much, but it's a start and I am fully confident that the Lord will use those things for His will. 

Who knows what will happen?? 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Prayer for the Week: Trust during the Walk

There are days where God is so very visible. Days where every step seems Divinely planned and the path is paved and the journey is easy.

But then there are others. Days where things go wrong. Days where I embarrass myself. When I am inconsiderate, unloving, weak, or rude. When there is incredibly bad traffic (which is enough to make me turn into Goliath), or someone hurts my feelings. When I fail to remember the simple "Behold I AM with thee until the end of time". It is during those days that I get frustrated with the Lord. I complain that I cannot feel Him near me and sarcastically comment "anytime now!"

The thing I have to remember is that God never promised that it would be easy. He did not say that following Him would lead to a lifetime of smooth sailing. In fact, He said the opposite.

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you."
John 15:18

So when I have those days (the hard ones) I should take comfort in the fact that, while it's still a difficult road, God is walking with me the entire time. There is a song by Group 1 Crew that reminds me of this:

"Don't forget what He said. He said 'I won't give you more than you can take and I might let you bend but I won't let you break. You know I'll never ever let you go.'"

Scripture tells us to trust in His protection: 

"He will cover you with His feathers,
    and under His wings you will find refuge;
    His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
 You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
 A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you."
Psalm 91:4-7

Dear Lord,

Thank You for walking with me. Thank You for planning my pathways on the good days and even the bad ones. Father I pray that, no matter how hard the steps become, they always point towards You. Help me to move closer and closer with each step. Give me the determination to journey with integrity, faithfulness, and joy. As my time here in California comes to a close, help me to finish strong. Thank You for the opportunity to serve You out here, and please bless everyone I have met along the way. Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for Your peace. Please help us to glorify You in all that we do. 

In Your Son's most precious and holy Name,

*Drum Roll* New Look!

Hey y'all... welcome back :) I've been working hard on some new stuff to spruce things up around here and I am so pleased to finally have it 99% done!

(the 1% is a few pictures that aren't showing up on certain posts. I'm sorry about that and am trying hard to figure out what the heck is wrong) 

But anywayssss here is the new look! More Texas, more pretty, more yay! I also am back to a regular posting schedule. Get pumped. If you've ever wanted to stalk my life now is the time to do it. I've even included handy dandy tabs at the top to help you navigate around! Hope you find what you're looking for! Also- make sure to follow/like/pin to your heart's desire so you never miss out on what's happening (just in case you aren't up to date on your FB stalking ;P).

I always love to hear from you, so if you have anything to say about the new layout, your summer, or the new royal baby I would love to chat!!


Juuuust in case you forgot what I looked like ;) #shamelessselfie #shamelesshashtag

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Little Taste of Infinity

There's this coffee shop in the Wack. It's called Common Grounds and it's one of my favorite places. There are a myraid of reasons for this: cozy furniture, the cowboy coffee, & cute baristas. But without a doubt my favorite thing about it is that sometimes when I am there, I get a taste of infinity.

A taste of infinity is when your soul swells. It's something that creates a huge smile, a clearness of thought, a lightness of being. It's those moments that you really really don't want to end. 

I get that feeling when I'm having coffee with a good friend. One Monday my Tri Delta Big (she's the greatest) met me at CG and we spent an hour catching up over some iced Cowboy's (tee hee). It was one of those hours that went by in a blink and I seriously did not want to leave. But the real world did not slow down, and we had to jump back in. The hour recharged me however and it was easier to keep up.

My lovely Big :) 

I think that's the point of those moments, those glimpses of infinity. They recharge us for dealing with the other things. All of the deadlines, the stress, the fighting, the lack of sleep, the yuck, the ick, the blah, all of it is made better after one of these encounters. 

I starting marinating on this and came up with my things that give me "moments of infinity" 

-Mass & Adoration 
-Good conversation
-Long drives with good music
-A really good book

The great thing about having a list like this is that I know where to run when I need a power boost. When the weight of the world is too heavy, an hour doing one of these things gives me strength to lift it up a bit higher for a bit longer. 

These things make me think of Heaven. These little tastes that I want to go on forever is what I imagine heaven to be like. It's the eternal smile, light heart, clear head, and content soul. Union with God will be like that. The most wonderful thing about that is that it won't end. It's an eternity feeling perfectly content because we will be united with He from whom all content-ness flows. How enticing! Until that day comes though I will take comfort in my earthly moments of infinity.

What are your moments of infinity?? Make sure to thank Him for those moments today!

xoxo, Rachel 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Prayer for the Week: First Day of the Internship!!

This is it. I am 2 hours away from starting a month long writing internship at These plans have been in the works for 3 months, yet now that the morning is actually here it feels a bit like a dream. My father (glorious man that he is) flew down here with me on Saturday to get me situated and help with the rental car situation (Have you ever tried to rent a car at 19? It's akin to trying to rent a child. Try it. Doesn't happen as easily as one would hope). We spent the weekend traveling around my new area, discovering new restaurants, churches, shopping, & a beach or two. It's been so lovely spending this weekend with him just the two of us. 

We woke up at a bright 5:15 AM to get ready for the day. It was supposed to take us 45 minutes to get to the rental place, and knowing LA traffic, we wanted to allow wriggle room. So we left at 615. And got here at 7. Maybe it's the holiday or perhaps the sun only being up for about 30 minutes but there was absolutely NO TRAFFIC. It was swell. Now we are sitting at a Starbucks relaxing. Well… he is relaxing while I am trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach that seem to be getting more hyper by the second. I am so excited for this opportunity and want to do the best that I can. Perhaps a little divine intervention will help. If you feel so inclined, please help me pray for this week. 

Dear Lord,
Thank You for opportunities. Thank You for save travels. Thank you for traffic free mornings. Thank you for butterflies and pretty weather and coffee. Creator God, you are so magnificent that we want to imitate Your creativity. Please help us this week to do just that and to do it for the glory of Your kingdom. I humbly ask that You make us worthy servants of Your will and of Your plan. Without You none of this makes sense. Keep us mindful of that as we go through this week. Father I plead that You are right beside us this week as we walk through it. Keep our paths straight and our eyes fixed upon Your face. We love you Lord. Help us to do it better. 

In Your Son Jesus's Name, through the intercession of Our Mother,

Have a wonderful wonderful week y'all!

(Here are some pictures from this weekend) 

Airplane travel made comfy. Pilcro Jeans from Anthro are the most comfortable things ever. Buy them in every color. 
Shameless Selfies :) 
Hunnington Beach on Sunday 
The pretty mission style church St. Mary Magdalene 

This meal rocked my socks off and was totally Paleo! Balsamic Vinegar Pork Chop over sweet potato smashers and broccoli. Y. U. M. 

Some of my favorite pictures from Sunday's Church hunt :) 

Starbucks selfies this morning ;) 

Did I overpack? Yes. But the Girl Scouts always told me to be prepared! 

Kate from Lizzie McGuire would be oh so upset at me because I am outfit repeating. I wore this my first day at Anthro and it brought me luck! I hope it does the same today!

Monday, May 20, 2013

She's Baaaack (Part one of two)

So it's been a few months. How've y'all been? I've been hanging on for dear life if we're being honest. But hanging on in the best way and with the biggest smile on my face. God is SO GOOD. He's been spoiling me as of late and I'm so unbelievably blessed. Here's what's been going on:

Background: I have been acting since I was four years old and entered Baylor with an intended Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance. I made a deal with my parents that we would give it a year and then reaccess the plan in May. 

My gorgeous theatre freshman class

When January rolled around I realized just how close that conversation was and started to stress. A lot. I got cast in a really awesome Post Modern Workshop Scene with some of my closest friends and had a blast with that. Yet that sense of unrest was still there, constantly nagging at me. The non theatre classes were pulling at me, and for the first time ever, the stage wasn't where I wanted to be. It was terrifying. I spent so much time trying to figure out my future for me. Trying to plan out what was best for me. Trying to figure out where I wanted to be. (Sounds pretty selfish doncha think?) 

The Post-Modern Scene "Play" 
Awakening changed that. God changed that. 

You can read about the Awakening retreat here. God really challenged me that weekend to relax in Him. My friend Maddie pointed me to Proverbs 31 "She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future" That last part was a wake up call for me. Had I been laughing? No. Not even a little bit. It occurred to me that God knew the plan. He made it and He made it perfect. So I decided that I would sit back and let him take the reigns. 

My Awakening Family & Our "I'm Offended" Signs (You had to be there) 

The Tuesday after Awakening I remember specifically waking up and saying "Okay Lord, I'm laughing today." 

Biggest understatement I have made in awhile. 

If I were actually laughing I don't think I would have come up for air once. The Lord divinely guided that day right down to the people I interacted with on the sidewalk. My professor in my favorite class (whom I kind of want to be just like) gave me some incredible advice along with some pretty crazy opportunities, my advisor emailed me the second I got out of that meeting, I talked to an old friend for the first time in months, saw another one randomly, led a bible study where the Holy Spirit WORKED MAGIC, and basically just let God do His thing. I remember sitting in the car with my Big that evening going over how awesome that day was and finally exclaiming "Okay Lord, if this is what You want, then I am in." The most incredible tangible peace came over me. It was the first time in almost 3 months I'd felt that content with my life. 

How I am feeling. (Also how adorable is this little girl??)
So I switched my major. The Lord showed me that while I will always have a passion for theatre, it's time for me to step off the stage and go somewhere new. I am now a Great Texts (think Literature) major with a double minor in Philosophy and Creative Writing. It's a huge switch but not surprising to those closest to me. I am so very excited to see more of God's plan. 

That decision (to sit back and laugh without fear of the future) has changed everything these past two months. God has been spoiling me in the most unbelievable, wonderful ways. But that's enough for today, I'll be explaining the rest of my wonderful end of semester tomorrow :) 

Happy Summer Everyone! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

It's a Good Morning

1 Rosary
2 1/2 hours of Worship
3 Hour Drive
4 hours of Sleep
+5 shots of Expresso
one heck of a morning.

I am so on fire y'all! I will admit that it was insanely difficult to get out of bed this morning but once I got some coffee in me I was bright eyed and bushy tailed.

I saw George Strait last night (OMG) at the rodeo so I didn't get home until 12. Instead of driving back to the Wack then, I decided to get up before the sun and drive.
The three hour drive allowed for a whole lot of Jesus/me time. It was so lovely! Starting the day reminding myself what its all about and giving back to the one who gave it all has made such an impact on my day so far. I asked to see Him today. Y'all I have seen Him EVERYWHERE. In the nice lady who cleans my floor, in my best friend, in the chapel speaker Bob Goff, and I could go on and on.

I want every morning to be like this. I want to be excited to get up, to go and see Him everywhere. I think the big difference is how I begin each day. If I start it with the snooze button, with running late, with being annoyed at the hour, the roommate, the coffee maker, the air in the room (it's happened.), then the rest of my day will reflect those things. However, if I were to start each day remembering why I'm here, who I serve, and how I can love more, then wouldn't those things be reflected?

That is my resolution for the week. I am going to try to begin each day 30 minutes earlier and spend some time with the King of Kings. My hypothesis is that it will be a huge impact on the week and that things will go a whole lot more smoothly.

What do you think? Do you spend time in morning prayer or wait til the evening?

Monday, March 11, 2013

About Me

Hi lovely folks! Quick post today- I'm off to work a double shift at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo! But more on that tomorrow.

Want to learn a bit more about me? Well aren't you sweet! Lucky for you I created a page for that :)

Check it out!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Apartment Love

So it's been a blast living in the shoebox. My roommate is awesome and I like the way it's decorated.

(See decorating posts here , herehere and here for more) 

But I am so. over. it.

Maybe it's the fact that I spend more time in my room this semester than I have last semester but I swear the walls are closing in.

Spring Break is 5 school days away and I am practically counting down the hours.

To keep me sane I have been daydreaming about next years apartment and my very own room! *sigh*

Here are some ideas I have:

1. The Desk


Gah The Everygirl gets it right again. So this is the West Elm Parsons Desk. It's simple, classic, and beautiful. It's made even more so by the awesome style. The only bad thing is that the desk is $400. Not exactly breaking the bank, but also not exactly necessary for a fully furnished apartment.


Looks the same right?? The only difference is the finish, which is easily remedied by some DIY. And for 75% off the price, it's a simple compromise.

This needs to happen.

2. Reading Chair

I want a snuggly chair that I can curl up into with a good book and a cup of coffee. There is a nook in my future room that is just begging for a cute accent chair to call a friend.

Here are a few that I enjoy:

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

3. Finally, the kitchen.


These are some savory dishes I am planning on having next semester:

And that is just the tip of the iceberg my dear friends. If you want more of my inspiration (dreams) you can check out my Pinterest page.

How many days until summer?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My ICE Bag

JIC & ICE ('just in case' and 'in case of emergency' respectfully) are two names for these cases that save the day constantly.

Mine is in this:

I got it in May as a grad gift from a family friend. It was the perfect size for my ICE Bag! I can easily transfer it from backpack to purse and have most everything I could ever need. 

It contains:

-Ulta (Mandarin Mint) hand sanitizer & lotion
-Este Lauder powder
-Oil Absorbing Sheets
-Lip Gloss
-Mini Mascara
-Miss Dior Cherie Mini Perfume
-Hair Ties
-Bobby Pins
-Five Spearmint Gum
-Tide To Go
-Starbucks Ready Brew Via Very Berry Refresher
-Apple Iphone 5 Charger Converter

I cannot tell you how many times this bad boy has saved me from awkward situations.

Do you have a JIC Kit? What do you put in it? Am I forgetting something??

Tuesday, February 26, 2013



The redemption story between God and His people starts with this word. 

12: 1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

2 “I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.”

So Abram went as the Lord had told him."

That isn't an easy request. God asks Abram to leave all security behind and put his trust in Him. Could you do it? Sometimes, like after a retreat or conference, I think I can. Out in nature with the Lord, just the two of us, is perfect. But amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life the doubt starts to creep in. Leave everything? Surely not all of my books, or my shoes, or my school? Not my friends too? It's a heavy request. 

Yet look what God will give Abram if he follows! A great nation, a great name, blessings, children, and the promise of redemption for the entire human race. Seems like a pretty good deal.

So Abram goes. 

And we are still talking about him today! Abram (later Abraham) becomes the patriarch of the Hebrew people. He recieves a call to greatness and responds. 

Brace yourself... we get the same call. "Go and make disciples of all nations" We have to go! We don't necessarily have to leave everything but we are called to lead others to Christ. It's the same call to greatness. It's also just as scary. What if people don't like me? What if they get mad? What if I offend someone? What if I'm not ready? 

There is an answer for that too! Later in Genesis God says to Jacob, Abraham's grandson (who continues the mission): 

"Know that I am with you; I will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. I will never leave you until I have done what I promised you" 

We have a helper! We have THE Helper! The Lord is not going to send us somewhere we cannot handle. I love the saying that "The will of God will not send you where the grace of God cannot protect you." So true and so comforting right? The call is scary, there is no doubt about that. But our God is SO MUCH GREATER than our fear. 

Where is He sending you?
Where are you called? 
Are you willing to go??

Monday, February 25, 2013

Whatcha gonna do?

New Week, New Start.

My Theme for this week is definitely "What Am I Going To Do?"

It's inspired by the Francesca Battistelli song "It's Your Life"

This is the moment
It's on the line
Which way you gonna fall?
In the middle between
Wrong and right
But you know after all

It's your life
What you gonna do?
The world is watching you
Every day the choices you make
Say what you are and who
Your heart beats for
It's an open door
It's your life

Are you who you always said you would be?
With a sinking feeling in your chest
Always waiting for someone else to fix you
Tell me when did you forget

It's your life
What you gonna do?
The world is watching you
Every day the choices you make
Say what you are and who
Your heart beats for
It's an open door

To live the way that you believe
This is your opportunity
To let your life be one that lights the way

It's your life
What you gonna do?
The world is watching you
Every day the choices you make
Say what you are and who
Your heart beats for
It's an open door

It's your life
What you gonna do?
The world is watching you
Every day the choices you make
Say what you are and who
Your heart beats for
It's an open door
It's your life
It's your life
Songwriter(s):Ian Ashley Eskelin, Francesca Battistelli
Copyright:Word Music Llc, Designer Music, Honest And Popular Songs

It's about the middle of the semester, so there is a crossroad of sorts. Do I keep up with how I lived the beginning of the semester? Do I change it? Do I slack off? Do I work harder? My goal is to continue on with the habits Ive been forming. I hope I don't fall into the procrastination cycle that I typically do. Which probably means I should be studying instead of blogging. Talk to y'all tomorrow! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Dream Job

(Written at 4:38 in the morning. Bear with me please.)

"Do y'all believe in soulmates?"

It was that simple question that started a 3 hour long theological conversation tonight at the theatre.

Talk about a redbull for the soul.

Should I have been in bed? Probably.

Should I have been studying? Sure.

Should I have abstained from devoring around 30 lifesaver mints as we chatted? My dentist probably would have liked that.

But I wouldn't have changed a thing.

We spanned about every single controversial topic possible. My friend (with whom I had never spoken like this to might I add) and I shared viewpoints, debated philosophies, asked questions, and attempted to find truth.

It was so invigorating! Talking about our awesome God and how much He loves us is fantastic. It's all that is worth talking about in my opinion. So to spend time with a friend doing just that is priceless.

I want to do that for a living. I want to talk about Jesus and the Lord and the Church and Truth and Love and Justice. I want to speak to people about faith and hope and reason. I don't know how to get there, but I am going to keep learning about God and wait for Him to show me where to go.

Dear Lord,

Show me the path that I should walk. For to You I entrust my life.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Today marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent. We remember Jesus's 40 days in the desert, and prepare for Easter.

Typically Catholics will go to Mass and receive ashes in the shape of the cross on their foreheads. I've done this my entire life, and for the last 12 years it was a special Mass done at the beginning of the school day. This is the first year that I went on my own (at a glorious 7 AM) and the first time that I haven't been surrounded by others with ashes too. I sometimes forget that I am not at St- Agnes anymore. Some of the funnier comments:

"Oh my gosh your face!"

"You have some dirt on your forehead."

and my favorite

"Yea I didn't want to ask because I thought it was a bruise and I didn't want to be rude"

Tee hee that one gave me a chuckle.

Ashes are made from the leftover palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday (more on that feast day in a month) and are a symbol of the fact that we come from dust and from dust we shall return. We remember that we take nothing from this life but our relationship with God. It is all that matters. The ashes are an outward sign of that inward disposition.

The 40 days leading up to Easter challenge us to prepare our hearts for the Lord and repent of our sins. Lots of people give things up for Lent, to get rid of vices, curb desires, or sacrifice. Father in his homily today talked about how we start out with a clean room but it gets cluttered and messy by the end of it. So what to we do? We declutter and start again. It is the same idea with Lent. We get rid of the things that have been pulling our focus away from what really matters. We declutter our hearts and recharge.

In previous years I have given up Coke, TV, cherry tomatoes (my favorite ever.), Facebook, secular music, etc. This year I am renewing some old promises and adding some new ones. I know that if I write them down here then they are concrete and in stone. It will keep me accountable!

Old: Facebook (takes away my dependency for social media as a means of distraction)
New: Instagram (I check instagram over 10 times away. It has gotten ridiculous.)

New: Starbucks & Common Grounds (I spend too much money here when I have coffee in my dorm room. The money can be put to better use! I am curious to see how much money I will save)

Old: Secular Music (this one is tricky because I cannot exactly force everyone around me to do this as well. So this one only applies to when I am by myself. I've done it for the past 2 years and it is such a recharge.)

Those are my resolutions! Are you giving something up? Do you celebrate Lent?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Vive la Papa!

The grey weather outside is the perfect backdrop for some very somber news: Pope Benedict is resigning.

I must admit I didn't even know this was possible due to the fact that the last time a Pope abdicated was to end the Great Western Schism, sort of an extenuating circumstance. It was also 700 years ago, so not exactly on the forefront of everyone's minds either.

The Pope stated that “before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise.” 


But even though the primary response is one of sadness, I have been thinking about the good side of things. This stemmed from reading this article about the resignation in a historical context. First, the Pope has not died! He is still present and able to help guide the next Pope into office. Second, what a model of humility to recognize his weaknesses and step down from one of the most powerful offices in the world. 

I don't quite understand everything, but I do know that God's hand is in this and so we can have faith in the plan. 

Vive la Papa
Thank you Pope Benedict
We are praying for you!