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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Dream Job

(Written at 4:38 in the morning. Bear with me please.)

"Do y'all believe in soulmates?"

It was that simple question that started a 3 hour long theological conversation tonight at the theatre.

Talk about a redbull for the soul.

Should I have been in bed? Probably.

Should I have been studying? Sure.

Should I have abstained from devoring around 30 lifesaver mints as we chatted? My dentist probably would have liked that.

But I wouldn't have changed a thing.

We spanned about every single controversial topic possible. My friend (with whom I had never spoken like this to might I add) and I shared viewpoints, debated philosophies, asked questions, and attempted to find truth.

It was so invigorating! Talking about our awesome God and how much He loves us is fantastic. It's all that is worth talking about in my opinion. So to spend time with a friend doing just that is priceless.

I want to do that for a living. I want to talk about Jesus and the Lord and the Church and Truth and Love and Justice. I want to speak to people about faith and hope and reason. I don't know how to get there, but I am going to keep learning about God and wait for Him to show me where to go.

Dear Lord,

Show me the path that I should walk. For to You I entrust my life.


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