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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend in Review

This weekend went by so quickly!

That might have something to do with the fact that I slept about 24 hours of it...... whoops!

Here are some of my favorite moments in pictures:

1. The pumpkin spice latte is BACK!!! One of my favorite parts of fall :) 

2. (Please excuse the awful quality of this picture. I don't like the Iphone flash at all.) Andrea and I drove to college station to have dinner with Kevin and Dillion. It was super fun! Wanna hear a secret? I like Waco better :P

3. I got this awesome app on my phone called the 40 day spiritual workout. It sends me reminders everyday and they always make me chuckle. 

4. I am so incredibly obsessed with the Baylor Bears. I visit them everyday. Is that too much? 

5. There is a group here called the Guerrilla Troupe... think "Whose Line is it Anyways?" They are hysterical! I saw both of their shows on Saturday

6. I got a 2nd floor parking spot right next to the stairs in the parking garage! #neverhappens

7. The weather got AMAZING. Perfect temperatures, beautiful skies, the kind of days that make you never want to go inside. 

8. I made a new friend! But the cool part about it is that she is the cousin of a girl I went to high school with! Small world much?

9. The perfect way to end a weekend? Ice cream and reece's puffs. Mackenzie named it The Rachel. I am definitely okay with that :)

That's basically it. It was a very chill weekend for me. Now I am busy studying for the TWO tests I have coming up this week, plus finishing up a project due Tuesday. #bringiton

How was your weekend? 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog makes me laugh and cry. I am so happy for all the fun you are having but I miss you so much!! Come see me sometime college girl. Xoxo. Mom
