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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Prayer for the Week

We've already talked about the sheer awesomeness of this book. Once again, everyone should get it. My sister and I always laugh that the devotional for the day knows exactly whats going on in our lives. In reality, I have no doubt that He knows exactly what we need to hear. I truly think it is Jesus Calling.

Todays devotional held this pearl of wisdom:

"I want you to live this day abundantly, seeing all there is to see, doing all there is to do. Don’t be distracted by future concerns. Leave them to Me! Each day of life is a glorious gift, but so few people know how to live within the confines of today. Much of their energy for abundant living spills over the time line into tomorrow’s worries or past regrets. Their remaining energy is sufficient only for limping through the day, not for living it to the full. I am training you to keep your focus on My Presence in the present. This is how to receive abundant Life, which flows freely from My throne of grace."

How true is that?? How often do we speed through the things we do, merely seeking to check them off our to-do list? I am so very guilty of that. What if today, and this week, we cherish the day for what it is? A beautiful blessing from our Father who loves us so very much??

 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
—James 4:13–15

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Shoebox Saturday: It worked!!!!

Oh yea. I'm a beast. I got it to work all by myself! (Don't really know how but that's not the point)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


So here's the story. I have already shown y'all my desk but did not show you the inside because, well, it was atrocious. But I vowed to make it pretty lickety (not a real word?? sad day.) split! I went to Office Depot this past Sunday and got myself some organization tools.

For the bottom drawer, I purchased some adorable files and was dismayed to find that when I came home my hanging files couldn't hang in my drawer. :( 

Mama C came up with a great solution... an ADJUSTABLE hanging folder frame. She's a genius. I can only hope I inherited some of her smarts. 

I went yesterday with a friend back to the OD (tee hee) and got one of those great contraptions. After 45 minutes of assembling (during which Johnny was laughing profusely at my inability with a hammer...grr) I was gingerly placing it in the drawer when...

it. didn't. fit. 

I almost cried. The adjustable part is fine... it's the height that is causing issues. Unfortunately the highly adjustable frame requires some permanent alterations so I am worried about returning it. Yeesh. 

Looks like I need someone to cut the frame down a little bit for I think this is too much for my adorable pink pliers. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I had to go today.

It's awful and wonderful at the same time. I hate having to go before Father and tell him how I have royally screwed up since the last time I've been in the confessional. Yet, at the end, the slate is wiped clean and I get to start over.

Did y'all get that?

The sins are gone. 

I noticed something this past week as the days went by and I hadn't been. It was harder to pray. Spending time with Scripture was not a huge priority. I wasn't as nice as I wished I was. And damaging thoughts in my head were not only louder, they were more believable.

"Who says you're good?"
"Who could want a sinner like you?"
"You are so unworthy."

The grace usually recieved in Communion at Sunday Mass combats these thoughts. Because I couldn't recieve, the thoughts have been overpowering me because there wasn't grace fighting them off. I have been feeling so stained that I have avoided St. Peter's all week.

It has been hard.

But the wonderful thing is that now I am sin free! They have been forgiven and fogotten. I am acutely aware of the physical nature forgiveness. For when Father says the words of absolution this feeling of peace comes over me. It's like jumping into a cool pool after a long hot day. So refreshing.

I heard a lovely story that represents confession. It is like when a small child tells a fib to a loving Father. The Father knows that the child is good, and wants to comfort the child and tell her it's okay. But He waits. The little girl is obviously feeling bad, but waits to go to the Father. She is scared that He will be mad. When she finally tells him her fib, her eyes bright with tears, He scoops her up and tells her that it's okay, He loves her, and He forgives her. All he was doing was waiting for her to come to him.

That's what God wants to do to us! He knows the sin that burdens our hearts and He loves us so much that He took those burdens and hung them on the cross. He wants to hold us and tell us that it is okay! He loves us and forgives us. All we have to do is ask.

I challenge you to go to confession if you need to. It is a hard thing, one of the hardest things, but y'all the grace is magnificent. The Lord is waiting for you with open arms. Run to your Daddy and let Him tell you that all is okay.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 41 and What I've Learned

Seeing as how I have been here the biblical version of "a super long time", (and yes I am pretty sure that is the original Hebrew.) I thought I would share what I have learned during my time in the Baylor Bubble.

1) You must drink water before running the line.

A few of my friends actually PASSED out from the heat due to lack of water whilst standing in line for 2 hours. We must stock up on el agua for the next home game October 13th!

2)Cafeteria food ain't gourmet, but there are hidden gems to be found!

Collins has its burrito's, stir fry, and red velvet cupcakes. Memorial has it's fried fish, mac and cheese, & chocolate chip cookies. Pennland has a huge amount of tables, solid subs, and delicious soft serve. It's all about finding the good and when you can't seem to uncover it among the not so warm pasta, Jimmy Johns delivers :)

3) I need to schedule time with the Lord.

Whether it is Mass, bible study, or the ten minute walk to the theatre with my rosary, Him & I need some time together. I have realized that if I leave spending time with Jesus til right before I go to bed, my prayers are hurried and not always completed. That said, I have realized being here that He is with me the whole day through, sending my lovely little love notes in His creation... and making sure I don't get run over by bikes.

4)I need to schedule time with myself too.

I am taking 17 hours this semester, (and yes when 3 AM roles around and I am STILL not done with Spanish I regret it justtttt a little bit), and I have realized that if I go too many days with no chill time, I end up spending 24 hours doing nothing but watch old episodes of Greek. That, my dear friends, is what causes the evil weeks where the work overloads me. While the balance thing is still a work in progress (aka some days I tell the Spanish hw to stay hidden under my bed while I catch up on Glee, and other days I only have 3 cups of coffee to "eat" and study for 12 hours), with the help of my handy dandy planner, I will get the hang of it!

5) Drink runs for the shop require two people... and sometimes the waiters/baristas won't like you.

There was that time Kyle and I spent an hour at Sonic ordering 18 drinks and we had to figure out a way to fit them all in his jeep, and then there was the time Jasmine (aka Grandbig, aka the coolest person ever) and I managed to carry 10 Starbucks with only 1 drink carrier. Those moments are better shared.

6)College is a blast.

Baylor rocks. There is always something to do, always people to hang out with, and Judge Baylor is always watching over me. Some of my favorite moments include an hour on the swing at CG with a dear new friend sharing life stories, talking about how theatre and Christianity work together, walking the Bear Trail and avoiding sprinklers like the plague, laughing at a friends attempt at magic cookies, driving through every parking lot within a mile of the movie theatre trying to find the right one, and spending hours playing dress up with my roommate.

This is my new home. 

I love it here. 

And I cannot wait to see all that it has in store for me. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Prayer for this Week

Is going to be in song form.

There is an adorable pinterest picture that accurately explains my brain right now:

My brain doesn't like words right now. So I let someone else make the words for me:

Let my life be the proof of Your love 
this week Lord. Amen. 

What I Wore: Week 6

Oh Texas weather... annoy me.

You are about as predictable as a daytime soap opera. Suddenly, something that I thought was dead (aka summer heat), came back to life! I am all "wait... that's not right..."

So September 22nd, the first official day of fall, brought with it a heat wave. My excitement over scarves, jeans, and riding boots dimmed as I walked to the theatre, sweating though my cardigan.

This posed a problem for my wardrobe... I didn't feel quite right pulling out my summer clothes again yet couldn't bear to swealter in my fall ones.

This is a case for what Kendi of Kendi Everyday called One Foot In, One Foot Out.

I tried to look fall in color while wearing the style of summer.

Here's how I did it!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Freshman Year Goals

I love blogging for many reasons. It is a great way to create something (because I am absolutely inept when it comes to drawing), it allows my family and friends to catch a glimpse into my life away from home, and it keeps me accountable.

This blog post deals with the last reason. 

I set some goals for myself at the beginning of the semester and I think that writing them here will make them official. At the end of the semester we can see how I did!

Freshman Year First Semester Goals:

  1. Be intelligent!
    1. Get a 4.0 (This is super important to me... I am studying my rear end off!)
    2. Narrow down a major/minor (I want to make a decision by the end of the year if possible so I will try and narrow down my choices to top 3?)
  2. Grow Spiritually
    1. This is equal to my 1st goal... Baylor is such a great Christian school and offers so many opportunities to grow closer to the Lord. St. P's also has so many great things. I want to go to daily Mass as often as I can, as well as weekly Adoration. I consider it my spiritual workout :) 
    2. One of my best friends and I got these really cool bookmarks from CHN. It gives us 3 Bible passages to read a day as well as a few pages of the Catechism. The awesome thing is that we will have read the entire Bible and Catechism in a year!! 
  3. Be Healthy
    1. I want to workout 3x a week 
    2. Awk... I have high cholesterol... not exactly the healthiest thing in the world. Lowering it is a big priority.
  4. Be Creative
    1. Blog at least 4x a week (although I've been doing it everyday and it is getting addicting!)
    2. Get really good at sewing and attempt some freelance DIY projects
  5. Be involved at School
    1. I am already a part of the Theatre Guild and CDA but I would like to join one other thing. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shoebox Saturday: The Bed!

Today's shoebox Saturday is short, sweet, and full of links!

May I introduce...


My bed!!

Steps to a cozy biscuit:

(My actual one was made for me by my godmother)

Extra Credit: You can make your own tufted headboard like my Daddy and I did. Tutorial to follow soon!

Any cozy bed secrets you care to share??

Friday, September 21, 2012

Check it out!

Y'all... I was asked to guest post... EEK! #feelinglikeabigshot

It's the blog of my current church, St. Peter's. I was asked to write about the retreat I went on last Saturday. 

Y'all should be friendly and check it out. 

Happy Weekend!

Week 5: What I Wore

Wow.... it's already been 6 weeks?? When did that happen??

*update* It's only been 5... I can't count apparently. Whoops 

Here's what I wore this week: 

I may or may not have worn the same pair of ballet flats 3 days this week.... whoops!! Oh well they are the most comfortable pair I have right now. Judge me. 

Hope your week went well... you're almost done!! 

Any fun weekend plans? 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Let's take a little break.

This week is killing me.

At first college was all "Omg welcome to the greatest place on earth just have a good time and get your minimal amount of work done and we can be friends!"

So of course I was all "Yay thanks for having me I love it here and the work isn't that bad."

But then college was like "JK LOL here's so much work you have to make a decision between sleeping and eating."

Granted, it's mostly my fault. I did not effectively use my weekend this past weekend and it's coming back to haunt me. Bad Rachel.

So before I get back to the mound of spanish homework that is threatening to bury me alive... let's take a little breather to remember what it's all about. Sound good??

If our God is for us, then nothing, not even my Spanish homework can win.

Good luck with everything going on in your life! You are in my prayers & I hope you have a great great Thursday!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Green is in!

Oh my gosh y'all I am so excited... not only is it almost time for fall clothes but one of the fall colors just happens to be BAYLOR GREEN!

Oh yea. Sic em Bears.

My picks:

Inspiration :)

Rag & Bone- The Skinny Corduroy

These look so warm and cozy!!

Rachel Zoe Maryna Side Placket Silk Blouse

I am so happy the bow blouse isn't gone yet. Maybe I will be daring and wear it this fall!

Francesca's Classic Satchel
Baylor Prep. Heck yes. 

Ivy Super Skinny Jean- Tory Burch
Mah gurl Tory being fabulous as always!

Hanna Ballet Flat- Tory Burch
SO CUTE! And gorgeous gold accents :)

How great it is to be a Baylor Bear!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

School Days, Rule Days (Shout Out to my Daddy!)

One of the most challenging things in college so far has for sure been organization.

With Shoebox (click here to see pictures if you haven't yet!), any amount of clutter shrinks it all the more, so keeping that clean is imperative.

School is a whole other battle.

At the Academy, they helped us organize everything. Teachers told us that we need this binder, this notebook, etc. Here, my teachers most certainly do not. They let us do all of the choosing ourselves. Which is nice, because I definitely feel like a big kid, but difficult too.

Here are my top 3 wonderful things that I use to keep myself together:

 1. Planner- Definitely my number one organization tool. This keeps my schedule, hw assignments, to do lists, and a plethora of other information handy. It goes with me everywhere. Seriously. I forgot it in crew Tuesday and I felt like I lost an arm. I have had to change my format of planner pages recently. See, at the Academy, I knew exactly where I would be 8 hours of the day Mon-Fri. So an hour by hour plan would have just been a waste. I used weekly pages then with a month by month calendar and lined pages at the back. Here, my schedule is different everyday! I found that when using the weekly pages, I lost valuable time and wasn't getting everything done.  So I switched to hour by hour pages. Ohmygoodness it has helped so much. Now I can see where those little hour pockets are and I am being productive during those times! Which equals more sleeping time. Yay :)  

2. Jon Hart Backpack- It is the perfect size, its cute, and it's monogrammed. What more could I ask for? Usually it has my binder for the day, my iPad, my planner, and my pencil case. All of it fits perfectly with ample room if I need anything else. 

The screen saver is my church from back home... I miss it so much!!!

3. iPad- This is so handy when used properly! I have a keyboard that I use to type so I don't look like I am texting on a giant's cell phone. It speeds up note taking by a whole lot. I have access to the internet, it weighs 1/4th of my laptop, (it's adorable... is that a valid reason?), & I can read books on it. But by far the coolest feature is it's synching capabilities. Basically, I type something on my ipad (or iphone or laptop for that matter) and it shows up on my other stuff. Am I the only one who thinks that is the COOLEST THING EVER???? My secret nerd is coming out y'all. I have two apps that I am trying to decide between (Pages & Evernote) for note taking during class. Evernote lets me record the lectures right on the app where Pages won't. I think what I will end up doing is using Evernote for note taking and Pages for papers and such. We shall see! 

Any organization tools you can't live without?? Please share!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Prayer for the Week

Lord, please help me remember that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Give me the grace to trust in your will and your plan. Grant me peace as You work in my life. Heavenly Father, look upon your daughter with care and instill in her a desire to glorify You in all she does.

In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Daughters of the KING

I just got off of an outstanding girls retreat. How lovely to back away from the world and spend some quality time with the Lord.

The theme of our retreat was about being daughters of the King. It was amazing and there really aren't even words to describe it. We got to just be loved by our Father and it was good for the soul. I laughed, cried, and recharged my heart.

While I have so very much to say on the subject of femininity, modesty, etc., that shall be saved for another time.

For now these are some things I don't ever want to forget. You shouldn't either.

One of my most favorite songs in the history of ever:

Days will come when you don't have the strength
And all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart
They'd see too much

You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful

Praying that you have the heart to fight
'Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
But they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skies above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to die!

You're beautiful, You're beautiful
In His eyes

You're beautiful!
You are made for so much more than all of this

You're beautiful!
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His

You're beautiful! You're beautiful!
You are made for so much more than all of this

You're beautiful! You're beautiful!

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest
Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Two role models of beauty:

How beautiful is she? 
Source: via Rachel on Pinterest
There are no words...the epitome of woman.
Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Shoebox Saturday: The Desk

I am given 3 pieces of furniture: a twin bed, a dresser, and a desk. The bare essentials? Yes. 

This weekend's post is devoted to my desk.

Ain't it beautiful?

It stores my makeup too! Everything here must be multifunctional. 

I have a cork board that I stuck to the back of the desk which holds fun little mementos. Also shown is my jewelry box (I love love love love it.) And my binders. I have 1 for Mon/Wed/Fri, 1 for Tues/Thurs, 1 for Spanish (which is everyday), and a few for specific projects (aka costume design ID's & Spanish HW). 

Right next to my desk is my calendar, initials from Anthro (gift from Roomie... she's the sweetest!!), and Baylor cross. 

The book carrel above my desk holds books, dvds, undergrad catalog,  &

Special pictures from home (from left: My best friends and I at prom, the siblings and I, and my Grandparents), &

My lamp and cross. 

Initials :) 

Cross. Sic Em Jesus :) 

That's pretty much it! I would show you what's in the drawers.... but they are the farthest thing from photo ready! Maybe one day I will wow y'all with my organization. Haha here's hoping! I am also planning on getting a cute chair slipcover and cushion. 

What do y'all think?