I’m learning here. (Pretty sure I just heard my mother utter a sigh of relief 2.5 hours away in Houston. Breathe, Momma, it’s not all fun and games :P)
And while I am learning a lot of things in class…
This is my nifty seam from costume elements. (I am so tickled pink that I get to take that class...ever if it doesn't feel like school.) |
…I am learning so much outside of class too. Lots of it is of spiritual nature. I think that He was definitely giving me a message today too:
“Stop and enjoy.”
It is so hard for me to do! This is partly due to the fact that I am a theatre major here, and as such, many of my classes are the furthest point away from my dorm as geographically possible (whoever designed the theatre had it out for Collins girls I’m pretty sure). The walk is quite lengthy, and with 15 minutes between each class, I have to hustle to make places on time. I tend to only focus on the destination, rather than the journey. It has become (in the 6 short days I have been in classes) a bit of a habit. I rush. I rush when I study, when I talk, when I get ready, and when I move. Bad Rachel.
I am in such a gorgeous place,
No filter... this is legitimately what I saw this morning. #breathtaking |
and the Lord is everywhere, yet when I zoom around, I miss Him. For God is not one to yell “HERE I AM RACHEL!! SEE ME!!!” No, He is the quiet voice saying
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest“
Apparently I wasn’t listening hard enough today, so He gave me not one, but TWO gentle nudges. Thank you Lord for knowing that sometimes things need to be repeated to my semi-ADD brain.
First nudge, I woke up early to shower before classes. I spent so much time doing my hair and getting ready (when, let’s face it, it is, and most likely always will be, a big Texas mess no matter what I do) that I did not spend anytime that morning with God. Not a “Good Morning” or a “How are you”. Nada. Also bad Rachel.
I rushed out the door to head to class. I am still not used to the block schedule here ( my HS had rotating…oh the Academy…miss you!) and figured that since I didn’t have my Realism class at 9:05, and started the day instead with Spanish (which is usually after Realism MWF) it would be at 9:05. As I was walking, I realized that no one was around me. This meant one of two things: I was either late or early. After frantically checking my schedule on my phone (because I am deathly afraid of being late #epicallyembarrasing) I realized I was a full 40 minutes early for my next class!! On Tues/Thurs Spanish starts at 930.
I happily skipped (okay walked… I am not that carefree) back to my dorm and spent 30 minutes with Him. It set a lovely tone for the rest of my morning.
Today's 'Jesus Calling" Devotional... Everyone should buy this book. It is amazing. |
Second nudge, habits (even small ones) are hard to break. Because I had to rush to my 2nd class, I got back in the speed brain. After my morning classes, I had an hour and a half to get lunch, change out my binders, check my emails, and talk to my mom before dashing to meet my friend from philosophy at CG so that we could discuss the previous class/homework and then get to class before Dr. Dougherty. I decided to grab a quick coffee and sandwich from Starbucks to save some minutes. But as I am dashing outside, it starts torainPOUR. And I was in a white t-shirt. #joy. So I sat in a chair, put in my headphones (Hillsong Live= instapeace), ate my sandwich, and stared out the huge windows of Moody library. And what do you know? I started to relax. I wound down and enjoyed my 15 minutes of rest.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”