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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 41 and What I've Learned

Seeing as how I have been here the biblical version of "a super long time", (and yes I am pretty sure that is the original Hebrew.) I thought I would share what I have learned during my time in the Baylor Bubble.

1) You must drink water before running the line.

A few of my friends actually PASSED out from the heat due to lack of water whilst standing in line for 2 hours. We must stock up on el agua for the next home game October 13th!

2)Cafeteria food ain't gourmet, but there are hidden gems to be found!

Collins has its burrito's, stir fry, and red velvet cupcakes. Memorial has it's fried fish, mac and cheese, & chocolate chip cookies. Pennland has a huge amount of tables, solid subs, and delicious soft serve. It's all about finding the good and when you can't seem to uncover it among the not so warm pasta, Jimmy Johns delivers :)

3) I need to schedule time with the Lord.

Whether it is Mass, bible study, or the ten minute walk to the theatre with my rosary, Him & I need some time together. I have realized that if I leave spending time with Jesus til right before I go to bed, my prayers are hurried and not always completed. That said, I have realized being here that He is with me the whole day through, sending my lovely little love notes in His creation... and making sure I don't get run over by bikes.

4)I need to schedule time with myself too.

I am taking 17 hours this semester, (and yes when 3 AM roles around and I am STILL not done with Spanish I regret it justtttt a little bit), and I have realized that if I go too many days with no chill time, I end up spending 24 hours doing nothing but watch old episodes of Greek. That, my dear friends, is what causes the evil weeks where the work overloads me. While the balance thing is still a work in progress (aka some days I tell the Spanish hw to stay hidden under my bed while I catch up on Glee, and other days I only have 3 cups of coffee to "eat" and study for 12 hours), with the help of my handy dandy planner, I will get the hang of it!

5) Drink runs for the shop require two people... and sometimes the waiters/baristas won't like you.

There was that time Kyle and I spent an hour at Sonic ordering 18 drinks and we had to figure out a way to fit them all in his jeep, and then there was the time Jasmine (aka Grandbig, aka the coolest person ever) and I managed to carry 10 Starbucks with only 1 drink carrier. Those moments are better shared.

6)College is a blast.

Baylor rocks. There is always something to do, always people to hang out with, and Judge Baylor is always watching over me. Some of my favorite moments include an hour on the swing at CG with a dear new friend sharing life stories, talking about how theatre and Christianity work together, walking the Bear Trail and avoiding sprinklers like the plague, laughing at a friends attempt at magic cookies, driving through every parking lot within a mile of the movie theatre trying to find the right one, and spending hours playing dress up with my roommate.

This is my new home. 

I love it here. 

And I cannot wait to see all that it has in store for me. 

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